SINCE 2022

RUN – Urban Resilience: now-casting of flood risk with IoT sensors and OpenData

ARTYS takes part in the project “RUN – Urban Resilience: now-casting of flood risk with IoT sensors and OpenData” – co-funded by Regional Operational Program Filse POR FESR Liguria 2014-2020 – Asse 1 “Ricerca e Innovazione – Azione 1.2.4 – with its innovative technologies for the priority theme of prevention, reduction and assessment and analysis of environmental risks. The project, carried out in collaboration with AMIU Spa, Colouree Srl, Darts Engineering Srl and IREN Spa, involves the development and demonstration of a now-casting service of the risk of flooding during heavy rains. Using IoT technologies and Big Data analysis tools designed for Smart Cities and urban drainage network managers, the service allows faster actions to protect people and properties and allows the subjects in charge of the maintenance of the storm drains to plan interventions for optimal system operation.

SINCE 2020

Tetramax SWAN

Artys is chosen again at the 4° Open Call for Bilateral Technology Transfer Experiments, proposing to Tetramax the development of SWAN (Severe Weather Analysis and Nowcast), an integrated solution that pairs and correlates the survey of lightning carried out by Météorage, with the pluviometric data of Smart Rainfall System, enriching the decision support system (DSS) platform with information and short-term forecasts of more meteorological phenomena that can create critic situations for the safety of people and infrastructures.
ARTYS: more informed decision making.

SINCE 2020

Tetramax Rainwave

Artys is selected at the 3° Open Call for Bilateral Technology Transfer Experiments, where Tetramax aims at supporting innovation awarding technology transfer initiatives.
From the union between ARTYS and Novimet, two companies that propose innovative and advanced technologies in the atmospheric monitoring field, the Rainwave project is born. Its goal is to provide an enhanced version of the solution for the rainfall monitoring and the now-casting, based on the integration between Smart Rainfall System, provided and patended by Artys, with Hydrix, the meteo radar developed by Novimet; the bond between these tools enables a broader coverage of territory and mountain areas.
ARTYS: more informed decision making.

SINCE 2019

Fondazione AMGA

Fondazione AMGA selects Artys in a tender for innovation projects aimed at scientific, educational and cultural initiatives towards the environmental and hydro/energetic resources safeguard for the best management of services. Artys, in collaboration with the department DICCA of the University of Genoa, is asked to provide optimal management systems methods for urban drainage, based on the innovative rainfall monitoring system via IoT low-power wide-area network technology, and the prevision of flood risk.

SINCE 2019

Castellarano’s experimentation

The City of Castellarano also decides to take advantage of the Smart Rainfall System, and in the midst of it is carried out an experimentation for the development of predictive models over the impacts rainfall can have on the ground and their integration with the pluviometric data provided by SRS, in order to provide dinamic hydrogeologic risk maps.

SINCE 2018

Turin Smart City

Artys is engaged in a public tender for organizations that provide over the Turin territory technological solutions in the IOT/IOD field – smart city and its proposal is selected for the technical merit, becoming part of the Turin IOT Lab.

The project, in collaboration with the City of Turin, saw the activation of a pilot SRS’ experimentation in the urban center through the deployment of a 13 sensors network that uses IoT and IoD technologies to monitor heavy rainfall phenomena. The SRS network in Turin guarantees total coverage of the metropolitan area and aims at the demonstration of the solution effectiveness in acknowledging danger situations and at the gathering of important feedbacks by potential service users (Civil Protection officers, Cities, ARPA, Local Police etc.).

For more information, here the interview with the CEO ing. Delucchi  published by Torino Wireless.

SINCE 2018

GoSMART –Genoa’ Smart Mobility 2.0 

In collaboration with Algowatt S.p.A. (leading partner), T Bridge S.p.A., TeMA S.r.l. and Aitek S.p.A., ARTYS S.r.l. takes part to the Go Smart project – cofinanced with the resources of the POR FESR Liguria 2014-2020 Asse 1 – Azione 1.2.4.

The financial support given to the Union made possible to achieve the goals of the project, that are the study, the design and the validation in the urban area of Genoa of a prototype ICT multi-services, cloud-based, modular and scalable platform. The tool is aimed at process government, urban mobility safety and an effective cooperative mobility services management, characterized by a growing interconnection and data exchange among systems, vehicles, devices (IoT), data sources and people.

ARTYS S.r.l., in collaboration with the DITEN Department of the University of Genoa, carries out study and design activities for models and methodologies to develop and empower an estimation and prevision system for atmospheric precipitations (Smart Rainfall System) to be deployed in the context of services that aims at providing safety and risk prevention for mobility, and in particular focused on two-wheeled vehicles mobility.

More information here:

SINCE 2018

PIM – Integrated Platform of operational and previsional Monitoring in the Ligurian Sea

In collaboration with ETT S.p.A. (leading partner), SY.O. S.r.l., Delta Progetti 2000, SITEP ITALIA S.p.A. and Assist in Gravitation and Instrumentation S.r.l. (AGI), ARTYS S.r.l takes part at the PIM project – cofinanced with the resources of the POR FESR Liguria 2014-2020 Asse 1 – Azione 1.2.4. The financial support given to the Union made possible to design and create an IT infrastructure for the monitoring and data previsioning of the sea environment to support management and planning actions, space planning of the sea area, increasing safety and enhancing emergency management.

ARTYS S.r.l, further developing SRS, aims at bringing at global scale a radically different tool to handle disasters and increase resilience, in case of natural events such as floods and storms: a value-added service that can provide punctually and thoroughly useful info to clients about the risks in the context and with them a reliable support for the possible actions to be taken.

More information here:

SINCE 2018

Union of Municipalities of Empolese-Valdelsa Trial

By exploiting the results of the project already activated in the Florence area, Artys signed an agreement with the Union of Municipalities of Empolese-Valdelsa (province of Florence), for the SRS experimentation in the Orme basin.

SINCE 2016

Union of Municipalities of Valle del Tempo Trial

In 2016, Artys activated an experimental SRS network in the Union of Municipalities of Valle del Tempo, in the province of Genoa (municipalities of Avegno and Uscio), as a complement to a traditional pluvio-hydrometric network, previously supplied by the same Artys.



The aim of the NOW-Coasting project – cofunded by the POR-FESR Liguria 2014-2020 programme – was to define the good practices to adapt the Smart Rainfall System (SRS) for the Coastal Monitoring Market.
During the project, Artys established a scientific collaboration with the La Spezia department of INGV (National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology), aimed at integrating SRS as an innovative rainfall monitoring tool for the INGV’s operating weather stations in coastal environments.

SINCE 2016

Collaboration with the Center on the intensity of rainfall B. Castelli of the World Meteorological Organization

In 2016, Artys started a scientific collaboration with the competence center on the intensity of rainfall B. Castelli of the World Meteorological Organization – WMO (hosted at the DICCA department of the University of Genoa), for a structured comparison of rainfall data obtained by SRS with the ones measured by traditional rain gauges.

SINCE 2016

Collaboration with ARPAL

In 2016, a technical-scientific cooperation agreement was signed between ArtysARPA Liguria (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection) and the University of Genoa, for the testing of SRS, with the aim to assess its functioning and performance, compared to conventional pluviometric systems.



The aim of the k-NOW-casting project was to define and implement a decision support tool for the operational management of the risk induced by heavy rainfall based on SRS. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 728651. In particular, the project was selected to participate in the SME Instrument – PHASE 1 of the European Commission, an innovation financing facility with a success rate of around 5%.

SINCE 2015

Embrunais, Hautes-Alpes (France) Territory Trial

Since 2015, a partnership is in place with the Administrations of the Embrunais area (French Hautes-Alpes), in collaboration with the “Maison de la Météo” of the Les Orres town, to evaluate the performance of SRS for rainfall monitoring in mountain areas.

As part of the collaboration, the possible applications of the system for monitoring the snowy precipitation are being explored.

SINCE 2015

Scarpino landfill Trial

Since 2015, based on an agreement between Artys and AMIU (the local operator working in the field of environmental and public utilities), the real-time monitoring of rainfall in the Scarpino landfill (on the heights of Genoa) is made by Smart Rainfall System.

SINCE 2015

Union of Municipalities of the Golfo Paradiso Trial

In 2015 it began a collaboration with the Union of Municipalities of the Golfo Paradiso, in the province of Genoa (municipalities of Sori, Pieve Ligure, and Bogliasco), to test SRS on the field. Since 2016, the SRS maps and the Artys’ services are used daily by the Union for the operational management of rainfall related emergencies.

SINCE 2015

ENEA – Rome Trial

In 2015 a collaboration for the SRS testing in the Casaccia area (Rome) was activated with the Unit for Environment and Energy Modeling of ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development), aimed to assess its integration as part of advanced systems for the resilience of metropolitan areas.

SINCE 2014

Solar Technology Group of Savona City Trial

In 2014 a collaboration for the SRS testing in the Savona harbor was activated with the Solar Technology Group, an association dedicated to scientific dissemination, particularly focused on projects that promote human development, supported by technology, in harmony with the land.

SINCE 2014

Genoa City Trial

In 2014 a trial of SRS technology was activated in collaboration with the Civil Protection of the Municipality of Genoa. This allowed us to assess the positive performance of the first installed measuring stations, already on the occasion of the flood which occurred on 09/10/14. Between 2015 and 2016 some new stations were installed and activated, to extend the experiment (listing only the main) to the valleys of ChiaravagnaPolceveraBisagno and Sturla. The first interesting results of the monitoring of these areas were collected during the autumn rains in 2016.

SINCE 2014

Florence City Trial

In 2014  a trial of the SRS technology was activated in collaboration with the Civil Protection of the Metropolitan City of Florence. The cooperation involved some schools of the Florentine territory, that provide their own satellite dishes, as an information source for SRS.


TCUBE– Transports, Territory and Tourism

As part of the PAR-FAS 2007-2013 call of the Liguria region, Darts (one of the Artys’ founders) participated in the project of industrial research and experimental development named “TCUBE“, whose goal was to study, realize and test in the Municipality of Genoa an innovative mobile platform to spread personalized information for the mobility of users in urban areas, including weather conditions. Within the TCUBE project, the role of Darts was to study how to implement the Smart Rainfall System in the info-mobility project platform, with the aim to inform in real-time citizens and tourists on the specific weather conditions of the Genoa city centre.


First development activities

The Smart Rainfall System – SRS story started in March 2012, as a collaboration between the DITEN and DICCA departments of the University of Genoa and the Genoese SME Darts Engineering.

In July, we filed the patent which describes the principle of SRS operation; we also conducted the first experiments in real conditions, to validate the general structure and the main functions of the system.

Between 2013 and 2014, we tested and proved the technology in operational environment, even during storms. It is moreover observed how, through the SRS measurements, it is also possible to derive useful information to track the movement of the rain.
